Board & Executive Remuneration

Board & Executive Remuneration

We can provide consulting on a range of activities related to board & executive remuneration including:

Design and implementation of Long Term Incentive Structures

  • Working with key stakeholders in designing a tool that best aligns the interests of all parties
  • Outlining tax and legal structure considerations in both domestic and international markets
  • Use of Share; Right; Loan; Phantom and Cash structures to optimise plan performance
  • Identification of measures (profit; capital efficiency; earnings) that support design objectives

Design and implementation of Short/Medium term incentive structures

  • Identifying the best incentive tool to help drive business performance
  • Additive and multiplicative designs to ensure performance and reward outcomes are aligned
  • Cash and cash/equity structures that combine participant and stakeholder interests
  • Deferral mechanisms to solve for clawback and minimum shareholder requirements

Advising on methods of market comparison and comparator group selection

  • Advising on the most appropriate companies/groups/indices for benchmarking purposes
  • Modelling of comparator groups to ensure outcomes are reliable
  • Identifying additions/exclusions to comparator groups based on available market data
  • Outlining both financial and non-financial methods as considerations in comparisons

Design and implementation of Long Term Incentive Programs

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Benchmarking of Executive Remuneration Packages and Non-Executive Director Fees

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