Remuneration Strategy

Remuneration Strategy

We can provide consulting on a range of activities related to remuneration strategy including:

Identifying a company’s unique competitive advantage to reward through

  • Ensuring remuneration outcomes are aligned to business drivers
  • Recognising a company’s lifecycle stage and structuring reward inputs accordingly
  • Identifying when/where it makes sense for a company to follow a unique remuneration path
  • Recognising when relative comparisons are not appropriate to include in a reward framework

Design and implementation of reward frameworks

  • Designing unique solutions for companies to leverage their reward programs through
  • Incorporating all cash and non-cash components into a single reward framework
  • Developing communication materials to ensure change management is a positive experience
  • In-house implementation with internal/external resources to ensure smooth transition

Outlining methods to ensure pest performers are the best rewarded

  • Designing solutions that better differentiate and reward the best performers
  • Aligning with (or if necessary, replacing) a company’s performance measurement system
  • Imbedding improved reward solutions within a company’s employee value proposition (EVP)
  • Utilising non-cash tools available to a company to further differentiate its best performers

Strategies to Reward for Individual Discretionary Effort

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